Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bending My Own Rules

Rules are made to be broken. Since I'm jobless, I'm determined to spend extra time at school and with Henry, so I canceled the sitter and the after school care, try to be a good mother. Of course when he's sick I need to be home with him. Monday is my birthday and I always try my best to take my birthday off work, it's my gift to myself. The job search front had been out of my control for the past week, with all the interviews, phone interviews, email messages to reply and voice mail messages to return. I decided that Monday is going to be "My Day", block off all the interviews, just tell everyone I'm booked. I planned to take a long walk in the morning, then read, write, or just plain hang out for the rest of the day. An agency called last Wednesday for a contract job at a large corporation, phone interview with the hiring manager Thursday afternoon went very well, and they wanted me in first thing Friday morning for face to face interview. Now Henry had a fever Thursday afternoon when I picked him up, and I wanted to keep him at home on Friday to recover. Bend my rules for the first time, luckily the dad could stay home for couple of hours so I could make a quick run for a 9am interview. Then they called Friday afternoon, interview went well, but I'm deadlocked with another candidate and they want me to be in on Monday for a test on revenue recognition rules and Excel skills. Now this is getting down right silly, I'm no college kid, ability is what we have and skills can be learned. The job is the kind of work I want to do, the company is good size and there is plenty of growth both for myself and the company, it's a contract with plenty good pay. But I don't like being manipilated. I will go to the test all right, just to finish what have started and see where that gets me. Done with bending my rules!

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