If you want to see hundreds of pugs all snorting and running around in one place, this must be it. We have been going to Pugtacular almost every year for most of Bucky's life. He won best time in agility one year, among the amateur pugs. One year we won the second place of pug and owner look alike. Last year he finally won the pug race (see my account and pictures here). This year he's a bit short on practice, but he will enter the race nonetheless. Not sure about the pug and owner look alike! Is it really a good thing that I look like my pug?
Pugtacular! How fun! Be sure to post lots of pics :) My kids once entered a pet parade with our Chi -they all dressed like pirates and won the owner-pet lookalike prize! The kids weren't quite sure what to think about that either, although there was at least that pirate connection lol.
I'm not sure about the look alike contest either, but the rest sounds like a ball. Yes, please take loads of pics.
Was it perhaps a small field in the lookalike contest? I've certainly never noticed any resemblance. Although now that I think about it, I wonder why anyone would enter that contest.
Oh humor me, Sarah! Bucky is my baby and everyone tells me he's cute like a button -- not "he's so ugly he's cute", but "oh my God, have you ever seen anything like this?? He's sooooo cuuuuute!!!"
Of course I could be out of my mind occasionaly. Being a Gemini, playing double is only living up to the standard.
LOL Well it sounds fun anyway!
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