The guys went to Berkeley for a Cal Father and Son basketball camp. They played quite a few games, and spent Saturday night in the student dorm. Here is Henry with Jerome Randall, point guard on Cal team.

And with Jorge Gutierrez, back up point guard on Cal team. Jorge came from Chihuahua, Mexico. Trinket thinks it's very cool that Henry finally met someone (a human) from Chihuahua. For years we avoided the C word so as to create a discrimination-free environment for Trinket.

I made sure my time alone was well spent. On Saturday I painted a bathroom door, albeit only finished two coats. It will need another round to look right. The gallon of red paint seems to last forever and ever, so I see a bit more painting work ahead. It might just be enough to paint the whole house red, and we'll be color coordinated.

On Sunday I went to Vasona Park for a
duck race. 15,000 rubber duckies, adopted at $5 a piece, were dumped into the creek and "raced" in front of cheering crowds. The race benefited many local charities.

This little bad guy hitched a ride home with me in my backpack.
I bet they had a great time together. Love the pic of the rubber duckies.
Ugh - red paint. I painted my bedroom that shade. It took a coat of tinted primer and 3 coats of red. And honestly, it could still use one more coat!
Henry scored 16 points in 15 minutes of play in the last game of camp. They were calling him "money man" because all of his shots were falling true. He also has a bruise the side of his face to prove how dangerous it is to run with basketball wolves. He had a great time and now happily prepping up for another basketball camp for the coming week. My legs are still sore though.
Cool! I have never seen a rubber duck race. What a unique idea. A fantastic fund raiser!
Oh, I'm going to have to try to catch that duck race next year. The pics of Henry are great!
That is the cutest little rubber duckie. I wish I'd seen the race. We painted several doors red in our last house. Now we're painting the library red, the whole room. It looks great but does need another coat.
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