Project: St. Brigid
Pattern: St. Brigid by Alice Starmore, from Aran Knitting
Yarn: Scottish wool
Yardage: 1000g, about 2000 yards
Needles: Size 6
Cast on: September 27, 2011
Notes: I have been a Starmore fan since whenever, and I have wanted to knit St. Brigid since whenever. I have knitted a few Aran sweaters over the years, but I always see her designs as the ultimate goal I should try to accomplish. And let me tell you, now that I have knitted a few repeats on this design, it's really not that difficult.
The yarn came to me from Harris, Western Isles, Scotland. A few years ago I was on Knitswap (a Yahoo group) a lot, scoping out good deals. A lady from Scotland asked if anyone would like to swap with her, something that she could not find in Scotland. I had a small stash of Chinese cashmere that my aunt sent me so I traded that for Scottish wool. Quite a trade, isn't it? Something soft and smooth for something strong and hardy. The yarn is so perfect for the Starmore design, so perfect for the twist and turns and knots and crosses, it's telling a story as it runs through my fingers. I love touching the cables as my work completes itself, feeling it's roughness, and hearing the tales from a far away place.
The stitch markers are little pugs that I got in my first and last swap in the pug group on Ravelry. Bucky was so deeply ingrained in my life for over 15 years, now I cherish every bit of pugness in my life.
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