This is Chang Er. In Chinese legend, Chang Er lives on the moon, away from her family. Every year in the middle month of the Autumn season, on the fifteenth day, when the moon is the brightest of the year, people gather with their families and friends, eat moon cakes and other festive foods. People celebrate the togetherness of their union, with the circle of moon cake and the perfect circle of the bright moon. People sing to Chang Er, to the moon and remember the loved ones away from home.
I am blessed to have my circle of family and friends around, today, tomorrow, always.
May you and your loved ones a fine union on this festive day.
I am blessed to have my circle of family and friends around, today, tomorrow, always.
May you and your loved ones a fine union on this festive day.
That is wonderful!!!
Thank you so much for about it.
And thank you for being there!
....for WRITING about it, is what I wanted to say.
That is beautiful.
Happy Moon Festival to you too, Vivian.
We celebrated the Moon Festival at my home this year too. Sort of. We made paper lanterns and listened to a Moon Festival song sung in Vietnamese. We read some books (including Amy Tan's "Moon Lady") and then at night we stuck glow sticks in our lantern, cranked up our song and paraded around the cul-de-sac. Then Henry fell and started bleeding. Then Sadie fell and started bleeding. Over the wailing my oldest daughter said, "This is fun! Let's do this again next year!"
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