Thursday, April 24, 2008

Trinket the Blogger

I left the laptop sitting there unattended, see what happens? If you receive mysterious comments from me, you know who did it.


Cindy said...

Trinket was probably just emailing her pup-buddies from DOT. I'll let you know if Grover gets one.

Cindy said...

Trinket was probably just emailing her pup-buddies from DOT. I'll let you know if Grover gets one.

Lapdog Creations said...

Ah... so that's where the "hey baby... got any cookies?" email came from then, huh? LOL


Anonymous said...

oh, oh LOL

Pooch said...

Innovative idea! Train our doggies to blog on Thursdays. Trinket may be on to something here!


Lesley said...

Yes --the blog could be called "The Dog that Blogs"-- say that 10 times real fast!

dogquilter said...

maybe Trinket could teach an online class to the other puppies; I'm sure Wilbur & Char would love lessons!!

Z said...

I hear if you leave him there long enough he'll eventually type "Romeo and Juliet".

Sonya said...

He must be tired of you doing all the talkin.
He wants to set the record straight.
I wonder what he is going to tell on you about...hmm....

Firefly Nights said...

Ah, so Mosby isn't the only computer literate pet amongst us. Hope Trinket behaves and doesn't lose computer privileges like Mosby did this week.