Pattern: Quidditch Sweater from Charmed Knits, by Anne Bergeron
Yarn: Encore worsted 4 skein in Cranberry and 1 skein in Butternut
Needle: size 7
Size: XS (chest size 30 inches)
Cost: About $30
Cast on: September 18, 2008
Cast off: October 29, 2008
Previous post: here
Note: See the broom behind Henry? That's a hand crafted Nimbus 2000, hanging on the wall with clear fishing line, so it looks like it's flying in the air. One year Henry saw this broom at Kings Mountain Art Faire, an annual fundraising event held in the mountains above Woodside, and begged me to fork over the $40. He just started reading Potter then, so I wasn't sure if this was going to be a good investment for my kitchen floor. The kid saved money for the next year, so when we went back to the faire the following year, he headed straight to the booth, and handed the man two twenties. He proceeded to carry the broom the rest of the time, even when we hiked back to the car.
Your son is SOOO handsome! And the sweater is perfect. He looks so happy wearing it.
I love Henry's new sweater! And he is quite handsome in it! (Tell Henry the broom is pretty cool, too! Harry Potter would be proud!)
The sweater came out great. Good idea to hang the broom that way - my son would love that too.
Also, glad to hear I'm not the only one who lets the kids use their own money :) I have found it greatly reduces whining, teaches them to really consider an item's actual worth to them, and in the end they appreciate the items so much more. And, hello delayed gratification. Great training for real life.
Wow love that quidditch sweater!
You are such a good knitter.
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