Bucky has this little game he plays. When he knows he has your attention, he picks a toy, waves it in front of you, but as soon as you reach out to grab it, he turns and runs. Thus making you chase him.
Here he is, waving the squeky dog he got from our Dogs on Thursday Christmas gift exchange buddies,
JackJack and Abigail (and their mom Natalie).

Where should I go next?
Elise does the same thing!
Little Bucky is so cute with his toy that is almost as long as he is! :)
I think that game is pre-programmed in to EVERY dog's brain, lol!
He sure has a mouthful. What a sweetie. I'll bet he's a stinker, too.
Wilbur does the same thing with his toys and then runs like the wind...
He is too cute. I'm glad he likes his toy. Jackjack and Abigail send their love. :)
Hee, hee! junior will toss a toy at you, looking at you with hopeful eyes and then when you try to grab it he takes it back!
That wave a toy, turn, and run seems to be very popular. Too bad they can't figure out that they'd get more play if they would just let you get hold of the toy.
Bucky!! SO cute with that giant bone. Frisky likes to tease us that way too. I certainly hope you gave chase lol - how can you refuse that face!
Payton will keep his toy in his mouth forever. He comes to you like he wants you to take it, but then just kind of sidles away. Not running, no, we don't need to play chase. But just see what I have. No, don't touch it, just look.
LOL Oh he is SOOO cute!!! and I think that toy is bigger than him!!!
Thanks for the suggestion of what to use the Noro for! SO many project - so little time. :)
Your puppy is tooooo cute. I expect he's quite a handful!
I've had friends with dogs who love their slobber soaked tennis balls and then want you to pick it up and throw it for them. Yucko. But it is fun for the dogs, so that's important and we are washable, right?
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