Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Q & A about Uptown Coat

Thank you for all who had looked at the Uptown Coat. Now to answer your questions: Lesley said… Can 1 woman have too much yarn? Vivian: No. Monica said… I think they would make a GORGEOUS coat...when will you start?! (The pattern you pictured is really nice.) Vivian: between me and the coat, there is a black sheep (half way up the body), another hat I want to try out the pattern, and the sweater for Kirsten. And most importantly, I need to finish (really really finish!) the De Colores Jacket. Then I can start thinking about swatching for the coat. Cindy said… Not that I know one thing about fashion of any sense - but I think the coat would be pretty with the colors you have. However, that's a pretty long one in the picture. I don't think you should go too much below the knee (that's not flattering for anyone). Vivian: Now that's an idea. I don't need a coat that long anyway. I should look at the measurement on the pattern and see where it falls, and maybe shorten it a bit. Ahrisha said… Very nice coat. Like you said long and sleek. . .and I love the Tam too, but then I love hats. Isn't it wonderful to finally decide and just get on with it? Vivian: Well, if I shorten the coat there will be plenty of yarn left over for a tam. A fair isle tam pattern shouldn't be hard to find. Tam and beret are my favorite hat shapes. Thanks for the brainstorming!

1 comment:

Mrs Shed said...

Hey the coat should like lovely with the colours you have. I don't really like the colour of the one pictured. Blues and purples are my favourite colours.

BTW I listened to your cats birthday celebration, it was so cool to hear your voices. Weird I know but adds another dimension, the only feb99er I have spoken to is Elizabeth.