Friday, May 26, 2006

Henry's Check up

Henry had his 7 year old check up today. He's 7 years and 3 months old. Height 50.2 inches, which is 80-85 percentile. Weight 53 lbs, 50 percentile. Doctor said he's tall and thin, just like his Dad. Now does that mean I'm fat? Henry has perfect vision, something like 20/15 or 20/13. I've been a bit stressed over the years that my child would inherit the far sightedness and lazy eye that runs in my family, though since he hasn't had any issue with vision it's becoming less of a concern. Still nice to know my child is perfect. My mom and I both have extremely low vision in the right eye, and the family theory is that the problem only runs in and through girls. My aunt has the problem but her son is ok; my uncle is ok and his daughter has the problem. If I have a little girl she'd have double the chance under that theory. The doctor pointed out that Henry has dead skin behind his ears and on his knees, which means he's not getting the scrubbing he needs. Did he just say that my son is dirty? Isn't that what little boys supposed to be made of? dirt, rocks, and puppy dog tails .... Better send that boy to the shower now.


Anonymous said...

Oh ya... my kids have the dirt behind the ears too.... My mom calls them potato patches.

Sarah said...

Good thing Ziad doesn't go to that doctor.