I wrote about
Nina Wesson when I first learned about her passing, and this blog still gets hits from people looking her up on search engines. I did a little research on her myself and there is an
article posted on Las Madres site about the last days of her life. She died from a
severe strep infection. The site does not give statistics on how many people die from the disease, but I imagine it's not very common. The doctor said that her death had been caused by an “
invasive Group A streptococcal infection” in her lungs, and she had passed the point of no return long before being admitted in the hospital.
I'm saddened by Nina's passing, partially because I knew her, as a mom, and as someone quit a corporate career to raise a family. There are many women like her, go to college, get an advanced degree, CPA, work in one of the big accounting firms (grueling hours, traveling, high stress), join a high tech company. Then to give up an established career, committing their lives to their families. It is by far the hardest job in the world.
Moms cannot afford to be sick. That's probably what Nina had in mind before calling for help. Moms are too important to be absent, every day, every minute.
Moms, take care of yourselves. Nina, rest in peace.